Monday, February 22, 2010

Momma's Girl....

Daddy's girl....that was me!  I was the apple of his eye and would do anything to win his approval.  But my sweet daddy died in 1984 and since then my momma and I have been on a roller coaster of emotional learning experiences.  We have forged a wonderfully solid relationship and repaired some broken places along the way.  Getting to know and understand my momma AND our relationship has helped me to grow as a woman.  I can think of no other woman or man that has influenced my life as she has - and in a positive way.

That saying, "I have become my mother," is so true of me.  I talk like her, think like her and SHOP like her.  We love many of the same things:  antiques, dogs, reading, public education, friends, and much more. 

The best thing about my relationship with my mom is that we have finally come to a point in our lives that we can enjoy each other's company without harsh words, competition (yes we were very competitive) or major disagreements.  Why did it take so long?  Probably my immaturity and stubborn attitudes (which I get from my mother!).

Mom is going on 80 and me, well I'm 30 years behind her.  I'm so thankful that we have come to this point in our lives and hope that others have the opportunity to enjoy their mommas as much as I am enjoying mine.  I know she will always be there for me as I will be there for her...I pray for many years to come.

Hmmmm.....Momma's girl - that's me!

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