Thursday, April 1, 2010

TV is screwed up these days!

One of my best peeps brought this topic up to me the other day and it really made me think.

Do you remember when we planned our lives around what came on at what time on what day!!!  You used to be able to do that.  You knew that The Wonderful World of Disney was on Sunday night, every Sunday, week in and week out!  All programs were like that.  Life was simple. 

Heck, we planned our classes around soap operas in college!  My sorority sisters and I were big ABC fans - and I remember when Luke and Laura got married....we all missed class that week - if we hadn't already planned our schedules around that time slot.

Nowadays, you can't do that - there are premiers going on all the time.  Just when I get used to watching a show on a certain day and time they change the day, or the time, or the day AND the time!  What's up with that?  Seriously.... I think they would have better audiences if they left the schedule alone.  Really, it is not a priority of mine to play charades trying to figure out when NCIS is coming on this week.  I need CONSISTENCY.

Oh, and don't get me started on why the DIY channels all seem to think we want them to show the same show in a MARATHON!  Then you know what they do?  They show them one at a time, for weeks after that...what's up with that?  Seriously!  You've just ruined it for me for the next 12 weeks. 

And do they realize that we notice that these were filmed 3-4 years ago?  I mean REALLY?  There's a flood on the East Coast and you are showing me some farm in Rhode Island with Spring flowers from 2007???!!!!  I think they could show something a little more up to date than that - don't you?

I love me some good couch time and a tall cold glass of Coca~Cola while I watch my HGTV but I sure wish I could figure out what day and what time my "shows" are going to be on. 

I guess that's asking too much.  I sure miss the good old days.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love Spring!

Where does the time go?  It feels like just yesterday I was packing to go to Kentucky for a week and now it is already almost two weeks past the time I returned home! 

God must be concerned about time flying by also because he is really hurrying Spring blooms along now.  In Texas, our trees and shrubs are coming out, flowers are blooming and on my all black car I have a thin layer of bright green pollen.  I'm sure allergies are kicking in for lots of folks right now.

When I visited Kentucky they were just beginning to see the buds come on the tips of the tree limbs, especially along the river banks.  Now Mom tells me many things are coming out - pussy willows, forsythia, easter flowers and more.  I'm so happy for family and friends up there - I know they were sure sick of the cold and snow.

And did you see the cherry trees in D.C.?  Just gorgeous!  One of my friends from high school took the pictures I'm sharing today.  Lora is certainly talented with a camera and blesses me often when she posts her pictures on FB.  I think I need to put seeing the cherry trees in bloom in D.C. on my bucket list!!!

Here's to your Spring, no matter what stage it is blooming!  Happy Easter!!!