Have you ever noticed how the lack of communication ruins
EVERY thing in all facets of our lives? For example, asking for assistance in a retail store, the gas station, a restaurant, your work place, at the dinner table, with friends, on FB, through an email, on a blog, etc. It is subject to so much reading between the lines. It seems to be getting worse instead of better. You'd think with all the technology we have in the world today, communication would be outstanding, instead, the lack of communication is
standing out!
For example, there should be a translator for all sorts of things that automatically comes with your email. Like when you receive something from your husband, it should have what he wrote and then in parentheses what he really meant to say. Or, from your child, have what they said and then what that new slang means.
The lack of these types of translations lead to frustration, which leads to anger, which leads to miscommunication, which leads to the lack of meeting goals, which leads to more frustration...you get it right?
Why is it that when you try to communicate about anything, people take it personally, especially when you truly aren't complaining you are COMMUNICATING, or attempting to anyway. Funny thing is you are usually trying to help a situation and by the time it gets done you've made every person along the way mad at you, others, and themselves.
Maybe the problem is we move so fast that we don't have time to LISTEN anymore. We don't have time to read at a slow enough pace to recognize the message.
Whatever it is, I don't like it. I want everyone to know that my whole goal in life is not to get up in the morning and think of who I can tick off that day through an email, phone conversation or face to face. I really do want to be and try to be - clear and thoughtful. I want you to understand my message and respond with a well thought out answer. I don't want you to take it personally or read into what I am saying.
Life is too short to get bent out of shape because of misinterpretation of a communication. If you aren't sure about what someone is saying, asking or showing you - ASK FOR CLARIFICATION. Most people I know would gladly give more information if it would help.
Then again, maybe it is just ME!