Friday, February 19, 2010

Innocence of Children

Bubbles in mouths....hands in lap....and they just do it for the teacher!  When I think about it, I love my job.  I am so blessed to be able to walk into a school every day of the week and see children learning, playing, socializing, even teaching and a million other things throughout the day.  They are our future and what a future it can be!

Things I don't think about often, these kiddoes can cause a smile to spread across my face!  For example, all the things they say as they walk past my door on the way to the cafeteria.  Or I just love it when they stop at the lab door just to wave or say hello....they don't even know me but they trust and give a piece of their heart to me when they greet me.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if adults smiled as much as children.  I mean, really!  They grin all the time and it IS INFECTIOUS.  Try it.  Take this one little thing the innocent child does hourly and incorporate it into your day.  Smile more at the people around you - see if it doesn't make a difference, not only in the person you smile at but in your day as well.


  1. COMPLETELY agree!!! Just think...if I were quieter and smiled more, people would REALLY think I was up to something! : )

  2. Amen sweet friend! Amen!
