Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My husband is an orchestra!

 As I sit in my home watching the Aggies try to pull out a win against Baylor, I am being serenaded by my husband's melodious snoring.  He has all sections of the orchestra - brass, percussion, etc.  Unfortunately it is a tune I know all too well.

It's funny - it seems that any time I start giving him a hard time about his loud tunes, he makes the point that I snore also.  I do - I know I do but I KNOW I could not possibly export such noise....I mean "tunes" from my self.  It just isn't lady-like!  I have on occasion been awaken by my tune but never has my volume been as high as my spouse.

The key to sleeping with this orchestra is getting to sleep before the orchestra arrives....that works every time.  If you have a similar Top Ten performance at your home, I'd love to hear about it.  What do you do to turn it down?  Have you found a solution?  Please share. ;)

Aggies lost - time to go to bed, BEFORE the orchestra arrives. LOL!

1 comment:

  1. I was JUST telling Stacey he sounds like a symphony! I have SUCH a hard time sleeping if it isn't silent! boy, did I marry the wrong man ;)
