Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Zits at "50"

I consider myself blessed.  I don't seem to have to go to the doctor often.  Just the usual yearly stuff; however, at 50 or almost 50, I find myself ready for acne to go away.  So, I have been going to a wonderful dermatologist in town.  It's really unheard of I think.  I get there and they take me to the little "room" immediately where I don't ever wait more than five minutes.  At a doctor's office!!!  Seriously - sometimes I wonder if it is a fake doctor's office because just about all the rest require a minimum of an hour wait.  But I digress...

Good news today, most everything she was concerned about was doing much better - with the exception of the big gigantic fever blister that popped up last night.  These are usually due to nerves but I don't really have anything to be nervous about so I'm blaming it on the flaming pink/orange lipstick I was wearing Miss Donna it was NOT Mary Kay. 

Well, when she looked at my chin, she asked about this bump I have.  My professional opinion is that it is a "long term zit" but it never goes away.  I'm just blessed that way.  Anyway, she asks how long it has been coming and going and I tell her for months.  She frowns and I frown too.  But I wasn't ready for the next thing she said, "Well, I don't like it - I want to take it off and do a biopsy!"  ON A ZIT???  Are you kidding me?  No she was not. 

Needle in face to numb.  (I'm so glad I do acupuncture - otherwise this would have been traumatic.)  Scalpel to scrape it off and big round band aid to wear all week long or until it heals, (which with me will take twice as long as a normal person.)  It's quite a cute addition to my normal beauty routine.  I'm wondering if I color the band aids black if they will look like a beauty you remember those?  Geez we are OLD.

Why am I sharing this wonderful episode in my life - well it is two-fold.  One, the numbing is wearing off and I need to share my pain with people that care and two, I want to remind everyone to have their skin checked for questionable just never know when one of those childhood sunburns will raise it's ugly head in the form of skin cancer.  I care about you all.

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