As I got ready for work today, I decided to do something for one of my campuses so I stopped and got them Shipley's Donuts. Just a spur of the moment thing but isn't it funny how doing such a small thing can change your mood for the day.
Then, as I was driving down Texas Avenue to the school I found myself behind an electrician's truck. I noticed that he had left a box of those little yellow thingys you screw on the ends of wires to cap them so that they aren't bare and can't shock someone. It held a bunch of them, so I decided to follow him and let him know. Just as we turned a corner they went flying, but luckily he pulled into a quick stop and I pulled in behind him. Rolled down my window and told him what had just happen - he smiled a "thank you" and went to retrieve them. Again, such a small thing can change your mood.
Once I arrived at school, I delivered the donuts to smiles and greetings. I'm thinking, wow - this is going to be a great day!
But then, I began reading my email and found that one of my favorite people in the world is REALLY moving on to a new chapter in her life. It's been kind of like I knew it but wasn't accepting it literally; however, this morning her job was posted. That's a slap in the face of reality. I'm going to miss her so. Posting a job opening, such a small thing but WOW can it change your mood. I gonna miss you friend!
No one can fill her shoes- she is amazing and will be so very missed!!!!